Tuesday, July 31, 2012

1. How should children enter the classroom?

1.  How should the students enter the classroom?  What are my expectations for how they will arrive, where they will hang their backpacks, where they will pick up their work in order to be prepared to start?

So here are a couple of fun things I found
This isn't a link but we could all make our own or save the picture, print and use!  Just sharing this simple little picture with you all!
Nothing like pumping up the kids as we start a new year! This is so positive!  I think this is the door I will do for the start of my year.  I also love the various fonts and that the colors can be manipulated to go with your style and taste!

And then we must all go here:
Using MUSIC to welcome in your class!

This lady writes about a fun way to use music to set the mood and energy in the classroom.  One thing I do is use calming music as they enter in the morning.  It helps us all relax and get ready to learn.

Are you ready?
HAVE A "GRAB YOUR MATERIALS" OR "HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED" spot by the door for the materials they will need for class.  I am thinking about having a cup of sharpened pencils by the door for them to pick up and to use as well as utilizing a "pencil detective" that goes around at the end of each class to check to see if there are any missing pencils and returns them to the "needs sharpening" can.  Teach the kids to be responsible for themselves and their materials.  Award points for the groups that were the best organized, on task, and even first to their seats. At the end of the week! give a prize to the best group.

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